Working Bee 2


Arrival and Departure:
– Arrival: Anytime from Thursday, 17th October, 11am.
– Checkout: Anytime until Monday, 21st October, 10am.

Use discount code “workingbee” on checkout to access your free accomodation!

We’re hosting a working bee and would love your help! In exchange for your assistance with general farm duties (collecting and prepping fire wood, fence removals, general land tidying) we’re offering free accommodation. Enjoy a BBQ lunch on Saturday and a bonfire in the evening. It’s a fantastic opportunity to lend a hand, meet new friends, and experience the beauty of our soon-to-open campground.

Working Bee Schedule:
– Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Duties from 9:00-11:30am.

– Saturday BBQ: Burgers will be provided around 1pm.

Please book your stay using the “Book” link on this page so we can keep track of numbers. This is a limited event! Once attendee numbers are reached, additional bookings will not be available. We look forward to seeing you at Agora Hideaway!

Use discount code “workingbee” on checkout to access your free accomodation!

Site Amenities

Bins provided
Firewood collection permitted
Must be self contained
Grey water to ground
Pet Friendly
Generators allowed
No Fishing
Good access for solar
Swimming in river
Shaded areas available

Agora Housekeeping

  • Bins are provided across the campgrounds for waste disposal 
  • Collection of firewood from already fallen wood and kindling is permitted. Campfires are allowed year round in the designated firepits on the ground or in a raised BYO firepit. Please dispose of ash in bins provided.
  • All campers must be self-contained, meaning you need to bring your own water and sanitation facilities. Grey water can be run onto the ground. An amenities block will open in 2025 to allow all campers to attend.
  • Pets are allowed in all areas of the campgrounds. Please keep your furry friend on a leash and pick up their waste & dispose in bins provided.
  • Generators can be run between 7am and 7pm daily.
  • Fishing and pots in the river is prohibited. We do not want lures, hooks and fishing line being left behind where children swim. We have a large resident Murray Cod that can often be spotted hiding under logs in the river’s holes.
  • Help us to conserve the area. Please leave it the way you found it, ensuring the natural beauty of the campsite is preserved for everyone to enjoy.